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President George M. Weah welcomed into Bomi County

Pres. Weah Continues 2023 Campaign Tour–Bomi Turns Out En Mass

The President of the Republic of Liberia and Standard Bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George M. Weah, has completed his Montserrado County tour, visiting all the seventeen electoral districts and pushing his agenda for re-election. During these tours, the President wheeled massive turnouts, with the people renewing their assurances to re-electing him for a second term at the October 10, 2023 polls.

   On Tuesday, August 22, 2023 President Weah and his entourage embarked on the nationwide campaign tour for 2023, which is expected to centered around evaluating development projects, interacting with the residents and sealing a deal for a second term.

   The tour continues, and Bomi County, the first stopping point, received and greeted the entourage with a show of enthusiasm, love and mind-blowing traditional endorsement. At Po River Bridge, Dewein District, the President’s entourage was received by a group of traditional elders, women and energized youth, who sang and danced to the coming of the President to their county.

   The elders of the county, through the Minister of Internal Affairs, Varney A. Sirleaf, who is the head of local and interior government, along with Senator Morris Saytumah, presented a calabash with the requisite items in it to the President as a sign of an official welcome to the county by the people of Bomi County.

   President Weah met, greeted and interacted with several of the county’s leaders and elders at the entry point, and headed to Jenneh, where he held a political rally.

Youth of Bomi County in jubilant mood to welcome President Weah

   At the rally, several first-time voters, through a representative, expressed appreciation to President Weah for the glaring development marks in the county, including free-tuition, national exam fees payments, road and market hall construction, among others. They assured him that “it is done”, pledging their support for his re-election bid.

   Likewise, Bomi County’s district #3 Representative, Haja Fatta Saryon, and the elders pledged their unflinching support to the President’s second-term bid. At the citizens’ engagement meeting, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe, Representative Saryon and the traditional leaders turned over the county to President Weah—promising to convert their action into bringing his victory at the October polls. The mammoth crowd shouted, “18 street”, “one round victory”, a pleasant confirmation of their leaders’ commitment to giving President Weah a resounding victory.

   Senator Snowe said it is during President Weah’s administration that Bomi County can boast of electricity, free tuition, national exam payment, road construction, and so on, and implore the citizens to renew the President’s mandate for another six years.

   Responding, President Weah thanked the county for trusting him in 2017 when he had nothing to give the county, yet they voted for him. “I never gave you anything and you voted me. The mandate you gave me, l have implemented it; l am asking you for another six years to continue the development,” he told the excited citizens.

   President Weah emphasized a first-round victory, which was re-echoed by Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor, who noted that a first-round victory will help the country to secure funds for development purpose.  

   “I see people on Facebook saying if you [President Weah] wins first round, there will be war. Go to the pools [on elections] day and vote for your one round,” President Weah emphasized.

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